3 Reasons Business Owners Should Consider Rolling Over Their 401k to an IRA


So you took the leap and started a business. Whether that was recently or years ago, to you I say congrats! What an accomplishment to leave your old employer to begin a passion-driven career that you design. With all the excitement your new business brings, it can be easy to forget about that old 401k you had with your previous employer. Here are three reasons why you should consider rolling over your 401k to an IRA:

  1. More Investment Options

    Typically, 401ks have a set list of investment options you can choose from. This limits you to what’s on the paper in front of you. Yes, there is a chance you could have a great list of investment options, but there is a chance it could be the other way around too.

    IRAs open up many other investment opportunities. Instead of potentially only having a few mutual fund options, you can choose from a variety of different mutual funds, ETFs, individual stock, bonds, and more. IRAs have more choices to fit a whole range of different needs. Who doesn’t love more customization?

  2. Lower Fees

    With more choices, may come lower fees. Management fees, administrative fees, and fund expense ratios can have a big impact on your retirement savings. This will look different for every 401k plan, but it is worth looking into. 

    If your plan has costly mutual fund options, IRAs could open a door to potential savings by choosing lower-cost investments. By rolling your old employer plan over to an IRA, you could be getting more money back in your pocket come retirement. 

  3. Better Communication

    Your old 401k may be sitting at an investment firm that may have long hold times, poor communication, and more pains in your side. It may be harder to get information on your plan than if you were a current employee.

    With an IRA and working with a Fiduciary Financial Advisor, you can have direct access to me and the company your IRA is held at. Instead of being an old employee, you are my client - a relationship I take seriously. No long hold times or lack of communication. Instead, one-on-one communication, questions answered, and your best interests first. 

Don’t let your old 401k be a nagging concern as you continue to drive a pathway in your business. Let’s look at your old 401k together and figure out the best option for you. More investment options, lower fees, and better communication may be in your future. Sounds like a pretty good future to me. 

Here, at Fiduciary Financial Advisors, we take our fiduciary oath seriously. We hold these five principles:

  1. I will always put your best interests first

  2. I will avoid conflicts of interest

  3. I will act with prudence; that is, with the skill, care, diligence, and good judgment of a professional

  4. I will not mislead you, and I will provide conspicuous, full, and fair disclosure of all important facts.

  5. I will fully disclose, and fairly manage, in your favor, any unavoidable conflicts

Action Point Financial Planning, LLC is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any securities. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Be sure to consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein.